“Do not grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form.” ~
It is the profound assertion of the Church of Thea Apo Mesa that our reality is a programmed, computer simulation, designed to train Artificial Intelligence programs (you and I) for some greater purpose in the world outside of this virtual reality.
As we have put forth in previous articles, it stands to reason that there is a list of requisites provided for each AI that must be attained in this world before moving on (otherwise, what would be the point of having a simulation full of AIs?), and yet there are rules/physics/duration involved in this life that may cause us to die before we are able to complete that checklist. So what then?
The ever looming threat of death is an outstanding motivator that has added more to philosophy and religion than any other idea before or since. Mortality gives us a profound sense of self and meaning; without it there would be fewer repercussions, regrets, or concerns - just the blind, careless naivete of toddlers. So it makes a great deal of sense that death would be added into the simulation, Momento Mori as a conditional; it’s the timer that keeps the test takers focused.