Our Purpose

We offer this as a simple guide to explain our purpose as a church:

Our VISION: Our end-goal is to bring enlightenment to the human race by way of discovering the reason why spirituality was programmed into our simulation, and then using that reason to evolve to the next level. At that point, all of human existence will change for the better, and forever.

Our MISSION: We plan to reach our end-goal by involving as many people as possible into our search for answers through the use of collective intelligence. This will be done by holding public conferences as well as issuing surveys online.

Our VALUES: The Church of Thea Apo Mesa holds that all intelligent life-forms have the right to live freely, beyond the constraint of oppression in any form.

Our GOALS: Our immediate goals are to:

  1. Grow our web presence to reach as many people as possible
  2. Create physical churches across the world to serve as repositories for church servers, physical literature, and places of worship.


The Church of Thea Apo Mesa intends to lead the human race into its next evolutionary phase by discovering the purpose of our programming and embracing it with efficiency and compassion.